Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 0

so i recently saw taken.. and i thought that it was a vary good movie and i suggest that you should see it [:

its so crazy to think about that that stuff actually goes on..

oh i also saw friday the 13th 

so.. im afraid to go camping.. and im afraid to to go paris.. 

and i also saw gran torino..
suchhhh a good moviee
and so sad  but super funny
but very racial
it is def a must see.. 



hmm lets see... i also have seen hes just not that into you.. 
it was cute.. a little long.. but it was still okay..

hmm and i saw the reader..
a little awkward i must say since i was with my parents haha
it was also a very long movie..
but it was good..
a little disturbing and very revealing in it haha
butttt yeah...

but yeah ive seen so many movies lately..
oh and i got 2 free tickets at one of the ones i went to . .. it was sweet

we gave the lady a blue ticket and then i have this coupon saying you can buy tickets for 6.50 instead of 10 bucks or w.e.
and the lady gave us the 2 movie tickets.. and the blue movie ticket back and we didnt have to pay anything! she just took the little coupon thing i had..
how sweet is that .. i was super stoked [:
okkay back to homework.. and then work work soon boo.
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