Thursday, May 8, 2008

it feels like friday

Thursday, May 8, 2008
yay for block schedule, im really enjoying it

especially when we have 7th period after lunch

cause now were done with softball season which, by the way,

we won FIRST in leaguee!!! yea, we pretty much owned.

soooo since seasons over we pretty much get out at lunch, the frosh soph coach said we have to go to the gym for those two hours, which i am def not gonna do.

its pretty rediculous that i would have to come back from lunch to sit in the gym for two hours doing nothing. soo rediculous.

ohh and we got to go to chipotle today with our team.

ate the wholee burrito [: ffl

today was a really good day, for the most part

i got a 45/40 on my physics test

which got my grade up to an A

totally stoked.

&& i got into the Virtual Enterprise class that i applied for

went to chipotle.

have pretty much no homework.

im watching ellen right now, and ashton kutcher is on it and oh man is he cute.

kinda got a beard going but not a beard beard :p

oh so my coach likes to be inspirational

and tells us that boyfriends are a dime a dozen

and to always demand respect, and gives us all this advice and stuff

haha. its nice though

so i was talking about tennis vs. softball

and hes just like do whats best for lauren and all this stuff on life


buttt anyway, its really nice not having homework

i looooveee block schedule cause i dont have homework hardly at all.

its amazingg.



ohh my goodness you actually blogged haha yeah :D

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