Monday, August 18, 2008


Monday, August 18, 2008
first of all askfj;laksjg;ljf;lksjd;flsajfl;k sad;f.
so its late.. and im going to knotts tomorrow
yay  im stoked.. 
too bad certain people can't come :/
ugh sooo lameeee

tonight at work was pretty busy in the beginning, but too bad no one was feeling generous ergg.. 
but i did get a chance to get further in Breaking Dawn.
which i love.. the chapter that im on is way cute
and i love how when edward introduced bella to someone.. he said "my bella" 
gosh thats so precious [:

went to a BBQ tonight, that was kinda exciting.. ate some delicious 
 brownies, they were kinda amazing, watched Bill get attacked by a dog//feed him napkins..
played some mario kart.. totally failed&& yeahh

watched the secret life of the america teenager tonight as well..
and im oddly addicted to it.. 
its so bad.. but its sooooo good [:

gah things kinda area  busty bust right now :/
but whatevs..
tomorrow will be fun.. right?
right okay good..   :$

alright.. well i need need need to get some sleep.. 

yeah, not gonna lie.. i miss thiss <3


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