Sunday, February 21, 2010

I must say.

Sunday, February 21, 2010
I love college.
I love being able to decide to go to a club in Hollywood get there and only have to pay 5 bucks.
I love dancing with my friends and acting like weirdos on stage and having a great time.
I love walking around trying to spot famous people in the really expensive hotel.
I love getting milkshakes at the drive-in which is really a sit down restaurant.
I love sticking utensils in the back of friends pants who decide to flirt with the girls behind us and get way too distracted while his milkshake is melting.
I love going back to the car and almost getting run over by ongoing traffic.
I love getting back at 3 in the morning and talking to drunk people riding their skateboards.
I love late nights & cuddling.
Basically, I'm loving life.



hahah this made me smile

I love you <3

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