Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Tuesday, November 18, 2008
so tonight we had our fundraiser for virtual enterprise at CPK 
and i think it went pretty well.
it was super busyy there.. which was kind of a bad thing because 
our waiter took foreverrr
and they ran out of bread..
horrible right?
wrong.. we got this delicious pita bread that was freshly made so it was 
still warm when he gave it to us.
mm mm mm
anddd today was my dad's birthday..
i made him a suhweet card it was pretty good if i do say so myself
and my mom and i made pumpkin pie for it
which i just ate for dessert
which was also delicious 
task for YOU before November ends:
1. eat some delectable pumpkin pie


2. go to juice it up and order a pumpkin smoothie.. 


3. and finally go to I <3>


 not one that big 

oh so funny story when searching for i love bagels this is what comes up 


 yay for late start tomorrow.. and going to i love bagels in the morning in hopes of that pumpkin bagel

they better have it [:


and Twilight thursday! and possible sushi [:

yeah i basically talked about food this whole blog.. but its cool [:


neww. [:



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