today felt like a long day
like uber long
so woke up exttra early cause someone thought it was 6:30 when it was really 5:30
*cough* lisa
so shes freaking out that shes late and amys not there..
and im like whatt? its 5 fool [:
haha (but shes not a moron fyi)
so then i couldnt go back to sleep cause it was pouring outside and my alarm kept going off and my phone was going crazy.. so then i just got up early
thennn i was kinda freaking out that our matches for league finals would be canceled and i didnt study for my spanish test.. but then i texted mrs mello and she said were on.
sooooo i only had to go to 3 classes today def excitingg.
so maithy and i got quiznos havent had it foreverrr and it was delishh
then we went to our league finals
which was exciting.
we won our first match//proset [:
and then we had to play dana .. which.. yeah we know how that goess
but how sad is this.. its was our last matchh ]: sso depressing
and now no banquet which is a TOTAL bust im sooo upset and its lame and some people are kinda jerks about it too which makes it even worse.. then have to hear them talk about how cool it is gonna be which is just the best!
andd um then we went to get gelato after and it was soo yummy not to mention our bagillion tasters beforehand [:
then came home.. and how depressing is this.. my dad just got a new job and now gets home late.. and my mom works at night so basically im home alone for a while ]:
so i went to erics and his mom ( who is the funniest/loudest person you will everrr meet) made me a delicious sandwhich.. it was realllyyy yummy.. and had some v8 splash which is also a new discovery of goodness..
watched some elections.. OBAMa won.. *go to amys profile for more patriotic spiel* [:
oh and saw the famous run up the stairs by rocky balboa
call me crazy, but ive never seen any of the 8 bagillion mo

vies he has.. until tonight.. well some of it kinda not really
andd then i came home and i chatted with lisa cause were so cool.. >> yeahh dawg
okay homework but not really.. and sleep and late start tomorrow! [:
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