and on top of that i came home and my brother took all of my king sized candy bars from halloween grr.
my spanish teacher decided to give us a ton of homework that is pretty much impossiblee
and i was also informed o
f us having to have a spanish-english dictionary
so i went to borders after school
which by the way, we got out at 2 today woo [:
and i realized that while i was there.. there are always business men there
a l w a y s
they are always in there suits all dressed up..
and there was also this guy there dressed up as a pirate
signing some kind of poster with books in front..
and as i was walking out he asked me if i wanted a free pirate poster and he would sign it or something
i was kind of in a rush so i said no thanks..
but then i kinda felt bad cause he probably sits there all day in that kind of ridiculous outfit but cool at the same time, asking people if they want some lame poster and getting declined every time..
sooo i had the urge to go back and be like.. you know what? i will have one of those posters
it probably would have made his day.. but by that time i was already pulling out of my space ]:
so i feel kinda bad still...
oh and as i was watching tv tonight i saw another commercial for Twilight
and i am totally stokedd it looks soo cute and he is cute and that book is cute and AHHH
hokay so.
oh and i just made some cupcakes

not quite as decadent and amazing those look..
so basically minus the frosting and make it a chocolate cupcake and maybe a little deformed too
but still deliciousss [:
alright back to the mucho homework i have to do :/
hahahah love it
especially the fact about the pirate guy, and least you thought about his cruel horrible job hahah so your a nice person =]
and i also like how you mentioned your cupcakes might be deformed hahahaha =P
yaay you are blogging again! haha i liked how bad you felt about the pirate guy :] haa. and if you make some more cupcakes, you should save them for us at lunch, that would de deliccc :]
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